Feb 09, 2020 | Martin Ban

There Goes God - Tales of a Rancher and 10 Coin Woman

Scripture passage is Luke 15:1-11.

Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. “The parables tell us who God is. We just have to listen.” What does this parable teach us about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?
  2. Why does Jesus love people whose lives are mangled? What hope do you find in this Truth?
  3. How do you view vulnerability? Why? How does this affect you? What does Jesus teach us about vulnerability?
  4. Have you ever been a grace blocker or been blocked by one? How does this passage speak to your experience?
  5. Consider your life and how you’ve been impacted by the radical and real love of Jesus coming after you. How can you give away this love you’ve been given?
  6. Are you feeling disgusted by anyone? Confess and ask God to soften your heart.
  7. Are you feeling disgusted by yourself? Ask your community to encourage you with Truth.
  8. Spend time together as a home group praising God for the truth you’ve reflect upon today.

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