If nobody has told you today that they love you, we do.

But more importantly, God does.   






919 Morrell Ave, Dallas, TX 75203

If you are unable to meet in-person, join us live on YouTube Sundays at 10:45am for our live-streamed worship service.


SJOC Classes & Events


Guys! Join us for our February Men's Breakfast at Mart's. He'll provide the breakfast tacos and coffee, all you need to do is bring yourself (and maybe a friend). Also, your kids are welcome to join!

Men's Breakfast
Saturday, February 22
731 Woodlawn Ave
Dallas, TX 75208


 Come join us  at The Well. We have everything covered, but can always use extra hands to help plate and serve the meal. We would love to have you. 

Click here to read a recent article in the Oak Cliff Advocate about The Well. 

Thursday, February 27
(If you're only serving the food, you can arrive at 6pm)
Fellowship Hall @ Cliff Temple Baptist Church
134 W 10th Street 
(Park on the North side of the church and enter through the courtyard)

Join us every Tuesday evening from 7pm-8pm during Lent (starting March 11) for fellowship and discussion focused on poems from Malcolm Guite's Word in the Wilderness, led by Karen Long. You won’t want to miss it!

Childcare will be provided. If you plan to bring your child(ren), please email Debbie Epperson with their names and ages at

God is for you. When we say God, we mean:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If you are unable to meet in-person, join us live on YouTube Sundays at 10:45am for our live-streamed worship service.

All are welcome!

 Stay connected. Join our email list.
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