Mar 11, 2018 | Martin Ban
Listen in as Mart discusses Jesus' homecoming in Mark 6 as well as these principles from James KA Smith's book Thinking in Tongues.
1. A posture of radical openness to God.
Jesus makes all things new. The Holy Spirit operates actively in the church and in the world because the Holy Spirit is the Lord, the giver of life.
2. A theology of creation and culture that is charged, enchanted.
A perception that material creation (things, places, people, etc...) is charged with the presence of the Holy Spirit and that this world is also filled with spiritual powers in opposition to God and opposition to life.
3. A non-dualistic affirmation of embodiment and materiality.
A recognition that God created
4. An
A knowledge of God rooted in a real, historical encounter with God that is part of our story.
5. An eschatological orientation to mission and justice.
Christ is coming to make all things new.
(These 5 postures come from James K.A. Smith and his book, 'Thinking In Tongues.'