Oct 20, 2019 | Nika Spaulding

Part 4: Jesus & Keystone Habits

Scripture passages are:

  • John 10:27-29
  • Ephesians 4:7-13
  • Romans 16:1-4
  • Acts 18:24-28
  • Acts 9:10-19
  • Acts 9:36-42


Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. Reflecting on your time at SJOC, whether you’ve been around from the beginning or in the last week, what has God done in your life through this family?
  2. Martin referenced the importance of a name, and being called by name. What is the significance of the Triune God knowing your name?
  3. What does it mean that YOU are mission critical? What causes you to doubt? (Consider your gifts, abilities, etc.) Spend time encouraging one another in your home groups.
  4. Have you ever considered certain gifts more important than others? Why?
  5. Where in scripture do we see both men and women ministers? How should/does this inform our own churches? Is this difficult for you? Why or why not?
  6. Consider the life of Paul and other people in the New Testament, whose story encourages you? Why?
  7. Who have you written off like Saul? Spend time as a group praying for these people, asking God to do the unexpected and miraculous.

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