Jun 02, 2019 | Martin Ban
Part 5: Pharisee Burger #2
Scripture passages are Luke 11:37-54.
Sermon Discussion Questions
- In what ways have you heard Christianity taught in the “get right with God” way Martin refers to? Why do people have such a difficult time with how we actually get right with God?
- Compare rules to live by and rules that give life. How are both beneficial? Do you tend to dwell on one or the other? Why?
- How does Jesus’s actions in Luke 11:37-54 provide an example for us?
- Do you struggle to forgive yourself? How can Jesus’s words in verses 40-41 comfort you and set you free from that posture?
- When we go through motions to “clean ourselves” we trust ourselves over God. Confess ways you do this and ask your home group for accountability and encouragement to trust Christ for the gift of salvation. What other passages in scripture remind us that we are set free by the gift of Jesus alone?