Apr 14, 2019 | Martin Ban
The Goat, The Lamb & The End of Violence (Part 2)
Key passage is Luke 19:28-48.
Sermon Discussion Questions
- If a king riding on a donkey indicates royalty bringing peace, what do you think the people in Jerusalem felt that day? What does it mean for us that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey?
- Jesus did away with the practices that excluded people in Luke 19. Consider this characteristic of Christ. How are you encouraged and challenged by this?
- How have you previously understood the parable of the talents in Luke 19? Consider the talents as grace (and in light of the whole chapter), how has your understanding grown or changed?
- There is nothing you can do to earn favor with God, it is only by his grace we receive redemption. Discuss what freedom this brings to those in Christ.
- Do you identify more with the view of undeserving sinners or deserving sinners? Why? Encourage one another with what is True and talk about ways you can hold each other accountable to knowing and believing Truth.
- We make sacrifices to choose the one or two things that are good. What sacrifices do you need to make right now in order to enjoy the Triune God?
- Spend time affirming one another’s value and worth in light of Jesus’s sacrifice.