Membership Info

SJOC Membership Process

So, you want to become a member of St Jude Oak Cliff? Perhaps you’d like a road map of how to complete this process? You’re in luck, below we have laid out the requirements and steps to make this thing official. 

Step One: Be a Christian.

Really? Really. The requirement for membership at St Jude Oak Cliff is that you would place your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Or, in other words, be a Christian. We know that “being a Christian” can sometimes mean different things to different people, so we went ahead and wrote a Statement of Faith declaring what we believe. Give that a read. We also believe that being a Christian is more than simply believing in some statements of fact or history. When we say “be a christian” we mean that you belong body and soul to Jesus Christ. If that’s you, move on to step 2. 

Step Two: Attend Part 1 and Part 2 of our membership classes.

During our membership classes we go over some particulars of St Jude that anyone who wishes to join us would probably like to know. We talk about the mission of God, St Jude’s governing body, expectations and keystone habits of our people, etc. Since we are a newer church, we do not have these membership classes scheduled for regular occurrence. So, if you’re interested in attending one of these classes, let us know by emailing

Step Three: Decide if you’d like to jump in with us.

After attending these classes, you might have lingering questions or find some areas of disagreement. We highly encourage everyone to meet with a staff member or elder if you have questions and carefully consider whether or not you’d like to officially join us. We believe membership is a mutual commitment to each other. You will commit to serve, use your spiritual gifts, and love the people of St Jude, and we will commit to love, serve, and lead you. We take this commitment very seriously and trust you will as well.  

Step Four: Fill out the membership biographical form.

So, you’re ready to take this thing to the next level? We love that! We also want to make sure we can love and serve you well by having some important biographical info--name, age, address, telephone number, etc.--from you. This info will be put into an in-house directory for staff and elder use only. This form serves as a way for us to keep in contact with you as well as a way for you to formally say “I’m in.” To fill out the form, simply click here

Step Five: Take your vows during a worship service. 

Like we’ve said, we take this membership thing seriously. We are truly honored and humbled when someone chooses to become a member of SJOC. To that end, the last and perhaps most important step in the membership process is the taking of the vows of membership. During a Sunday worship service, one of the pastors will lead members-elect through five vows of commitment to love and serve within our church. 

If you have questions about any of the above steps or membership in general, please email