SJOC Statement of Faith


God is missional. Prior to creation, the Father, Son, and Spirit eternally participated in self-donating loving, relationships.[1] They sent love to each other and lacked nothing.[2] Stunningly, out of an overflow of this perfect love, God created the world and everything in it. The trinity made humanity in their image[3] and welcomed us to participate in the mission[4]—to tell the world of the love and salvation God offers. Eventually, the mission crescendoed with Jesus coming to us[5], dying and rising for our sins[6], and then the sending of the Spirit to inaugurate the church.[7] God’s people today continue the privilege and responsibility of participating in the mission of God.[8] By worshipping God, serving others, and sacrificially giving love, grace and justice, we participate in the mission of God with God’s people all over the world and throughout history. It is our joy to be a part of the missional family of God.


At SJOC We Believe:


We believe there is one God who eternally exists as three persons with one essence.[9] We affirm the distinction between the three persons (the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Spirit, the Spirit is not the Father, etc.)[10], the unity of the three persons (all 3 are fully God)[11], as well as the equality of the three persons.[12] This perfect, triune God is to be worshipped, loved, and glorified. We affirm what the Apostle and Nicene Creeds declare about the 3 members of the trinity.


We believe the crescendo of creation culminates in the triune God making male and female in God’s image.[13] Since all humans, regardless of gender, ethnicity, ability, social class, age, etc., bear God’s image, we unequivocally affirm the dignity, honor, and value of all of humanity.

 Though humanity holds the special role of ruling and reigning over creation[14], due to sin, we have the propensity to rebel from God and God’s good and perfect will for us.[15] We recognize the pervasive effects of sin: rebellion, disobedience, destruction and decay.[16] Yet, we also recognize that despite the marring of sin, humans still bear God’s image. We are all sinners in need of God’s mercy.

 By redeeming humanity, God welcomes us to participate in his mission to reconcile the world to Himself. The redeemed people of God seek to bring about reconciliation in their families, neighborhood, and the world. At salvation, the Spirit gives every believer gifts meant to be used in the mission of God.[17] Therefore, we believe every person is mission critical to the Kingdom of God.


Out of the overflow of God’s love, mercy and grace for humanity, the triune God chose to provide salvation for sinful humanity.[18] The Father authored our salvation[19], Jesus Christ accomplished it[20], and the Holy Spirit applies it to those who choose to receive the gift of salvation.[21] By the power of the Spirit, the Father sent His Son to be born of a virgin, live a perfect life, and die on the cross to satisfy God’s just penalty for our sinfulness, and to rise again.[22]

 Through God’s sovereign plan, salvation is offered by grace alone through faith alone.[23] Furthermore, since salvation is not earned by humans but instead provided by God, we believe we are kept secure in that salvation despite our propensity to continue to sin.[24]

 Though we recognize salvation’s effect to save us now from the penalty of sin (justification) as well as salvation's work to decrease the power of sin over our lives (sanctification), we all eagerly look forward to the day when the presence of sin will be removed entirely and for eternity (glorification)[25]. We believe salvation’s full effect will take place at the last resurrection when all the saved will be gathered, and God will fully rescue us from the sin that infects creation now.[26]


We believe when Christians die the soul immediately leaves the body and passes into the presence of God.[27] Heaven is where the believer in Christ will experience the beauty, love, and goodness of God forever.[28] We eagerly look forward to this day. However, we also recognize that until Christ returns all of creation, eagerly yearns for restoration.[29]

 We believe when Christ returns He will make all things new and restore what sin broke.[30] This restoration includes humanity as well as creation. This means that the work we do now that is in accordance with God’s kingdom values will remain in the new heavens and new earth. Work that sows seeds of love, justice, goodness, restoration, wholeness, and mercy will reap fruit in this life and the one to come.

 God’s future kingdom will be marked by righteousness, justice, mercy, goodness, love, safety, and joy.[31] We believe the church should work toward ushering in those kingdom qualities in the here in now through worship, work, service, and sacrifice. Since God’s kingdom will include every tribe, tongue and nation[32], we believe the church’s work must include working toward these things in our families, neighborhoods, and the world.


We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is authoritative in the life of the believer.[33] We affirm that the Word’s first priority is to reveal the triune God to us.[34] It is by his great mercy and love for us that God would choose to reveal Himself so intimately through the Bible.[35] Therefore, we cherish the Bible and study it with vigor in order to know what God wants to teach us about Himself, ourselves, and His world.[36]


We believe the sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper) are a means by which God nourishes His people. We believe baptism is a sign of God’s covenant with His people and should be administered to those who place their trust in Christ, as well as their children.[37] We believe the Lord’s Supper reminds us that God loves to have a meal with His children.[38] At St Jude we practice communion every Sunday and it is open to all those who identify as believers.




[1] Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:1-2, 1 John 4:8,

[2] Acts 17:25

[3] Genesis 1:26-27

[4] Genesis 1:28, Genesis 12:1-3

[5] Matthew 1

[6] Luke 23:33, John 19:30, 1 Peter 3:18

[7] 1 John 4:13, John 14:16-17

[8] Matthew 18:19-20, Acts 1:8

[9] 1 Corinthians 8:6, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Luke 1:35

[10] John 1:1-3, John 17, John 16

[11] Deuteronomy 6:4, 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, James 2:19

[12] John 6:27, John 20:28, Acts 5:3-4

[13] Genesis 1:26-27

[14] Genesis 1:28

[15] Romans 3:23, Genesis 3

[16] Romans 6:23, Isaiah 59:2,

[17] Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12

[18] 2 Timothy 1:9, John 3:16, Romans 5:8

[19] James 1:17

[20] Galatians 2:20

[21] Acts 2:38

[22] Matt 1:23, Hebrews 10:14-24, Romans 6:4

[23] Ephesians 2:8-9

[24] Romans 8:38-39

[25] Romans 8:30, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Philippians 3:20-21

[26] Revelation 21:1-4

[27] John 11:25, Revelation 1:18, Luke 23:42-43

[28] Isaiah 25:8-12

[29] Romans 8:19-23

[30] Isaiah 43:19, Revelation 21:5, Isaiah 65:17

[31] Revelation 7:13-17

[32] Revelation 7:9

[33] 2 Timothy 3:16

[34] John 5:31-47

[35] 1 Corinthians 2:10-15, Deuteronomy 29:29

[36] 2 Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 4:12, Joshua 1:8

[37] Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38

[38] Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:26, 1 Corinthians 10:16