Jun 07, 2020 | Martin Ban

Abba's Child - Overview

Scripture Passage 

Galatians 3:21-29
The New Testament: A Translation by David Bentley Hart (Yale Press)

21) Is the law therefore opposed to the promises of God? Let it not be! For, if a Law had been given that was capable of imparting life, righteousness really would have come from the Law; 22) But the scripture imprisoned all things under sin so that the promise-from the faithfulness of Jesus the Anointed- might be given to those having faith. 23)But before faith came we were held under guard, under Law, kept imprisoned for the faith that was about to be revealed. 24) Thus the Law has become our custodial guide to the Anointed, so that we might be proved righteous from faithfulness; 25) But- the faith having come, we are no longer under a custodial guide. 26) For you are all God’s sons (children) through the faithfulness within the Anointed One Jesus; 27) For as many of you as were baptized into the Anointed have clothed yourselves in the Anointed. 28) There can be neither Judaean nor Greek, there can be neither slave nor freeman, there cannot be male and female, for you are all one in the Anointed One Jesus. 29)But if you are the Anointed’s then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to a promise.


Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. What does Galatians 3 reveal about the Law?
  2. What are the limitations of the Law? How does Jesus fulfill the Law?
  3. Why do we sometimes avoid the outrageous love of God?
  4. What are you looking forward to in studying Abba’s Child together at St. Jude?
  5. Spend time meditating on how God’s love is different than human love. Together as a home group, discuss and thank God for who he is.

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